Thursday, January 7, 2016

Security not secure

                                          SECURITY COMPROMISED

                               Why our nation always remain calm in issues like cross-border 

terrorism ? Recently our nation has lost brave soldiers in an ambush attack at 

Pathaankot Air Base,a lot of questions where raised on the security surveillance

methods being followed in all strategic points of India.As a common man I'm heavily 

concerned about the security of a common citizen.Our nation must adopt 

surveillance methods from developed nations in order to safeguard our pivotal 

installations and to give a sense of security to a common Indian. JAI HIND.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Can money influence our confidence level up to the root.

                      I've always wondered why people are so much indebted to the effects of money on their self-esteem and societal duties.Of course,we do need them in our daily life but it doesn't mean that it can enslave us until we behave submit us to it.Money started it's journey as an exchange token and gradually evolved to become the greatest of all temptations man has ever known.Still humans are not free of it and hardly can in future.Let us hope the world will one day realize that money is simply an exchange token rather than a competitive platform where we loose or compromise our values as humans.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Evolution of excuses in line with Evolution of Intelligence

So long we've met,sorry for such a long absence from my blogging world and my precious bloggers.

                        A new topic "Evolution of excuses in line with Evolution of Intelligence" has struck my mind just like a thunderbolt two days back.Out of inherited fascinations I drew up a vague picture of this topic and started discussing with some of my like-minded colleagues in my office,soon I realised that the topic suddenly made them keen and they contributed key points on this.

                       I opined that evolution of intelligence itself is a hot potato issue among evolutionists and other scientists but this evolution never compromised in its long struggle wandering in between fact and myth.As our intelligence evolved many of our dimensions especially cognitive and societal parameters so do creating excuses too.Accumulation of information and knowledge enriched our brains with more and more reasonable excuses that satiates our logic and reasoning.In other words evolution of intelligence led to the birth more realistic lies whether scientific or unscientific.
                    Pardon me if you feel bored because I know that this topic may not be viewed or judged in a purely scientific attitude instead what I intend is just to strain your brain or tickle your investigative senses to analysis some of the curious topics like  the one I've discussed.

                   Thank you very much and kindly respond with your valuable comments. Cheerio.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Trap Is Set


As intermediate results are out and students are in total confusion what to select for their career,various publications are coming out 
with the prospects of novel courses and institutions that carry out classes for those eye-catching courses.I think the print media and other form of media must go through a conscience check before publishing incorrect and misleading news about various courses and the pseudo-affiliation of some fake institutes that have already set the trap for their new victims.Just hoping that a day will come when the media will work for welfare of students rather than for monetary benefits. 

Friday, November 25, 2011

Water Bomb

                                      To value human life should be the prime concern of everybody but in Mullaperiyar issue it has been more or less tainted by politics playing high.The expert team from the center examined the dam and stated that it is possible to break if an earthquake of magnitude 6 in the richer scale hits the actual location.The center is paying no heed to this issue as though Kerala is not part of Indian Union and to make matters more worse Tamilnadu has requested the supreme court to provide CISF security to the Mullaperiyar Dam site as it is in risk from the people of Kerala.
                                       Some untoward incidents has been reported from the border regions of Kerala and Tamilnadu which is absolutely unfortunate and is not a welcome gesture from both sides.Please settle this issue peacefully and swiftly.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

We CAN change

To respect others,especially elders is quite a difficult gesture for those who haven't tasted the fruit of getting respect from others...we can see a lot of people around who knowingly or unknowingly resort to causing mental agony by disrespecting elders in public places or in private So it is our responsibility to impart the knowledge of respecting elders to our kids right from their a way it is nothing but teaching them the secret of understanding Spiritual Quotient......which is quintessential for sustaining the moral integrity of the society we live.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Mumbai Again

Why Mumbai is the favourite hitting target of terrorists ? The answer to this lies in the previous attacks and the actions of India government followed;as Chidambaram left no stone unturned to praise the terrorist attacks as a "well co-ordinated attack"'s in our deepest interest to desist from such comments from a responsible person like him instead taking a prompt action to sum up the intelligence reports and to track down those guilty of this heinous crime.We should be always cautious of our surroundings and strangers activities around us.....only we can prevent such disasters by keeping a vigil.Let us unite to foil such terrorist acts in future.Mourning the death of those innocent brothers and sisters.